Sometimes when reviewing a game under judgement one can only be of the mind to blam it. Bad execution of the game, low effort and no actual gameplay. I then still give my 2 cents about it and explain what is the main reason for my score. Rarely, yet it happens, people are upset with the score and reply in a rude manner, instead of reflecting the criticism and trying to improve upon it. Then a conversation via pm happens and the person just tries to one-up the other and becomes more irritated. The decision then falls for the creator to just block the reviwer. Of course without missing out on making an insultive remark.
That is a very bad way to handle criticism. It also is not helpful to the community nor to oneself. The decision to block someone of course is a free choice and not the issue here. It seems to me that some people just can't handle that some things they do are not good and some other things are good. It is not a contest. The scoring should be considered to be a way of learning and improving on the projects. And yes also my uploads, either here or somewhere else may be blam-worthy.
No one is perfect, but when one engages via pm and gets a more detailed explanation that way, maybe either do not further engage or just live with the fact that some people just do not like the project. Be happy when at least someone publicly stands behind their decision and constructively explains what is the reason for the blam. Not everyone is out to get you. Most gamest I reviewed were actually very good.
As someone who studied game development and design I like to help out whereever I can. Most people appreciate it and after a more detailed explanation they are able to improve upon it. That is what a community is for and what the internet's intended use is.
blammings still retarded
I remember blamming one of your "games", it had 0 gaming elements and was just very bad taste. This here is not 4chan you know. Blamming makes sense, it protects children and people from bad content.